Yoga Reading

Inversions / Arm Balance (TEXT FOR BOTH) Workshop with Eimear Kelly
with Eimear Kelly

July 1 (Saturday)
at 2:30 pm

Class length
120 minutes


Arm Balance Workshop

Arm balances can be tricky to master without an understanding of good technique and helpful tips, so in this two hour workshop we’ll break down these poses and have you balancing on your hands in no time! 

Join me for:
•A dynamic flow to warm up and engage the appropriate parts of the body for arm balances.
•Strength and flexibility exercises to prepare you for each arm balance.
•A breakdown of a range of poses including crow, side crow, eight angle pose, flying splits, and flying pigeon pose.
•Some good tunes and lots of fun, as always! 

This is an all level workshop, but more challenging poses and transitions will be offered if you’re more advanced.

Inversions are exciting and fun poses, but they can also be scary and challenging to master without an understanding of how to work on them. In this 2-hour workshop, Eimear will break down what you need to know to balance in forearm stand and handstand. 

We will begin the workshop with a range of drills to work on building the strength, mobility and flexibility you need for inversions. This preparation is key to helping you create a solid foundation on which to practice the skill of balancing upside down. 

The second half of the workshop will focus on the inversions themselves. We will work on various entries into forearm stand and handstand, how to balance in these poses, how to attain a good line, various shapes and leg movements we can do while upside down, and how to use your inversion as a transition between poses or places on the mat. 

We'll also explore how to get over your fear of these poses, and how to continue your inversion practice after this workshop. Whether you have never balanced upside down before, or you're more experienced, expect to leave this workshop having learnt lots of helpful tips and tricks to improve your inversions this year!

Open to all levels except complete beginners.

Terms and Conditions
- More than 2 weeks notice full refund minus admin fee of £5
- Less than 2 week's notice no refunds