Yoga Reading

Exploring Acro III: Rotation
August 13, 2023 August 20, 2023

Total # of Classes

Class length
90 minutes


Exploring Acro III: Rotation

This two week course builds on the foundational shapes of Acroyoga.

In this series, we’ll be exploring transitions where the flyer spins or twists! We'll start from first principles of Side Star and Ticktocks, and work through technique building blocks, skills progressions and spotting techniques and safety to open the door to spinning the world around. Get ready to play with Corkscrew, modified Trap Doors and more! And if you don't know what those are yet - don't worry! Come join us and everything will be revealed.
 As always, these classes offer a safe and supported environment, focused on building confidence, trust and strength through play and communication. You don’t need to bring a partner. A sense of humour is encouraged.

This course is suitable for those who are already familiar with and stable in: Bird, Throne, Foot2Shin and Side Star and able to transition between those static shapes. It will also benefit acroyogis already familiar with Star and Side Star who want to refine their technique and execution and explore transitions. Familiarity with Ninja Star is helpful but not essential as we will work together to build the flows.

The class takes place on...

  • August 13 at 12:30 pm (Sunday)
  • August 20 at 12:30 pm (Sunday)


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
