Yoga Reading

Therapeutic lower back pain prevention and relief program
with Yulia Wind

July 8 (Saturday)
at 12:30 pm

Class length
180 minutes


This is a practical workshop for anyone that experiences regular aches, niggles and restrictions in their lower back.

You don't have to have experience in yoga or any other form of exercise.

It is a low intensity sequence of poses that stage by stage mobilise your spine, hips and sacrum.

It is accessible for any level of ability and will offer graded options to ensure that you have movements that work for you.

This program of movements is based on clinically approved exercises and lower back pain management protocol.

It will provide you with a self-management daily routine to banish back pain from your life.

As part of this workshop you will receive a manual with full details of the program protocol.

About Yulia
Yulia combines her skills as an Osteopath with her 20 years of teaching Pilates and yoga to bring you the best in movement, self-massage, posture re-education and strength training. 

She presents all of this in an accessible and fun way so that you can learn how to keep your spine happy and healthy and reduce or even eliminate back pain.


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