Yoga Reading

Raphan Kebe: The art of assisting
with Raphan Kebe

June 17 (Saturday)
at 2:30 pm

Class length
180 minutes


For experienced practitioners and teachers

Touch brings awareness, touch is connection and communication, and it carries profound benefits, both physical and sociological. As such it is a powerful tool for enhancing your practice and/or your teaching.

In this workshop, we will work with the understanding that touch (as assists and/or adjustments) provides somatic guidance. We will also learn how to receive assists and teach others ‘how’ to receive it. We will explore ways to touch and assist in a manner that is empowering, efficient and sustainable.

Using a set of simple yet practical principles, we will use creative Thai massage-inspired, postural release and stretching techniques that support both givers and receivers. It will be an opportunity to practice both giving and receiving assists.

The session will cover:
- Different types of assist and when to use them
- Considerations regarding consent for and taboos of touch, including post-Covid
- Giving the receiver control
- Adjusting assists for body proportions (yours and the receiver's)

The workshop is suitable for
Experienced practitioners keen to enhance their practice through an afternoon of partner yoga and resistance-based asana.
Teachers wanting to
  • Discover resistance based assisting
  • Practice assisting methods in a safe learning environment
  • Build confidence in assisting (perhaps after a pandemic break)
  • Empower their students in assists


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